Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wow! What a weekend!

So, dear friends and others...I have been sadly remiss in tips. My next was ....ADD up your meat bill. I know this is a very painful thought when you feed a family, but please don't take lightly this 3.00+ a pound expense. For a family of four that is a serving. Over $3 a day then goes to meat. If you only eat one meat meal a day and inexpensive cuts that is a $90 a month bill....probably not truly reflective of how we use that protein so crucial to our diets. At this very low figure I would estimate a bit over $1000.00 a year. Now my family of 8 is just under that this last year and we bbq rib steak when we want. We have pork that cost us between $2 and $2.50 a pound to raise and have butchered. ( YAY! One I didn't do!) Our personally butchered hog costs us $1.50 a pound and that's a LOT of meat at that price. So we spent about $600.00 last year on our main meat, because we had a beef done the year before. Had a tiny chicken expense as my lovely sister raised them. All our meat is fresh, home grown, not genetically modified and I feel good letting my kids eat! Now that we are looking at a beef again, I decided to really track ever penny in my meat bill. If you would like tips on this let me know!!

1 comment:

  1. It seems we mabe following in your footsteps with this! :D I don't see how we can afford NOT to.
