Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Budget Tip 1

Tip of the Day! Ok, Tip of the Evening, you caught me!
Always be aware of your debt to income ratio...
Seems simple enough but I constantly talk to others who really don't know where they have come from financially or where they are going??? WHAT? You might say...

Start with a notebook. List every bill and what day it is due for the month. Some of you might have to wait until the bill comes in the mail to remember it. Write it down.

Step number 2 is as simple as a note of your income at the top right. Is it set? Does it vary?

Deduct your bills last month from your income. Are you looking at a number you can work with? Let's discuss ways to chart this next time. What do you currently use to budget your household?

Carpe Diem! (Sieze the day!)


  1. I use a spreadsheet to do my finances. So important! It also gives me peace of mind. I couldn't get by without it. :)

  2. I need a system. I do well for a month but if income changes or other factors I get lost, feeling like I don't know what to expect.
