Thursday, May 19, 2011

Spring is Summer already!

WOW! Can you see school is almost over except for some of us maniacal moms who love to give some summer school homework. It is beautiful fishing weather and I am ready to go pitch a tent out away from society. Dream big and plan something that is inexpensive to do with those you love. Make a date to spend some enjoyable time with friends. Life is too short to hold grudges or to work non stop without smelling the flowers.
Write out every activity in your week or two on the calendar and see if you are wasting time that you could be working productively and then take a long look at when you could pause and breathe in and out for one FULL day!
Stop and look at the spring beauty around us!


  1. My spring resolve is to write down one thing each day I love about myself. Do this for a month. Also,if you work from home put an In Office and Out of Office sign for yourself so you aren't feel hounded by work all the time and enjoy your family when you are Out of the Office:) Remove 'should' from vocab. You are an adult and you want/don't want; do/don'tdo; will/won't do but quit parenting yourself! Don't beat yourself up with 'should'. Allow yourself time to meditate on what your perfect feeling is each day. Nurture yourself so you can nurture everyone you contact.

  2. Very true! Time doesn't wait on us for sure.
    “Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” – Jim Rohn
    Thanks for the sharing!
