Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Glowing May Thunderstorms!!

I love the sound of thunderstorms. Unplug the extra electronics and be aware that the air is CHARGED! What are you charged up to do? The birds were incredibly noisy at 5:30 a.m. and it was bright shining sun! Now, just four hours later it has clouded over to a beautiful rainstorm with some thundering noise as the clouds open up. It is a refreshing break from how hot the house was yesterday and this morning. A muggy humid wait for the moisture to drop! I can see this same waiting mode in our lives and in our home. Waiting to express emotions, each of my children has their own storm point. Too interesting to watch them bottle and hold their tongue like mom, or stew for a lecture as dad does! The best of two different lives brought together. Isn't this the goal when we raise children? TO be on the same page and watch them be like us but their own personality. Like us, but better in so many ways, the dream we always encourage them towards. "Please think before you do. Today, make GOOD choices." So many very poignant things all parents must say at some time. "Be safe. Be kind. Be courageous." And the one my 16 year old thinks is lame, "Because I'm the parent and I said so. That's my job!" I don't get near what I'd like to done in my days. There are too many committments, dreams, moments to enjoy, and just simply my priorities surround my life with cute footsteps and demanding voices. In the waiting for a new season I try to enjoy the precious moments we will never have back with our toddlers and teens. Be blessed by your life! We have control over our behavior and our grateful demeanor when our connections and choices give us grief. In gratitude we find that there is always an incredibly glowing silver lining!

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